
What Is The Importance Of Learning The Second Language?

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Many researchers have hypothesized that language could be acquired only within a critical period, which is from early infancy to puberty. If this is true, this should be extended to second language acquisition as well, and, if so, young children should be better at acquiring the second language than adults, and the individuals who started to learn the second language in their early childhood should reach higher levels of proficiency in the second language compare to those who started to learn the language in their adulthood. If this prediction is true, it would importantly demonstrate that children should be exposed to language with rich vocabulary and grammar within the critical period, and foreign language exposure at school should take place in early grades in order to maximize their opportunity to learn the language effectively. However, the self-motivation and the value of learning the language may differ depending on the individuals and those factors can limit or expand the exposure to the target language. In this paper, I would like to discuss the correlation between the age that bilingual individuals are exposed to the second language as well as their motivation, and the value of learning the second language. I would like to suggest that regardless of the age that individuals are exposed to the second language, if one values the importance of learning the target language and maximize their exposure to it, they can reach to the native level of proficiency in that language.
2. Body
Previous studies such as “Critical Period Effects in Second Language Learning: The Influence of Maturational State on the Acquisition of English as a Second Language” (Johnson, Newport 1998), and “Age Constraints on Second-Language Acquisition” (Flege, Yeni-Komshian, Lin 1999) have tested those predictions. In those studies, the English proficiency of native speakers of other languages who had arrived in the United States between the ages of three or younger to after puberty, and had lived in the United States for more than ten years was compared. In the first study, researchers had Korean and Chinese native speakers who have lived in the United States for more than ten years, and those subjects were tested on

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