
What Is The Effect Of Nature And Nurture On Child Development

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Nature and nurture both play a relative role on development. Nature is the biological and family factors that influence who we are. It refers to the genes that are inherited from the parents to the offspring also known as an individual’s innate qualities. Do to nature there are many genetic disorders that can occur in two ways (Kail, p 46). One way is that these disorders are inherited. The second way is when a person’s eggs or sperm have more or fewer than the usual twenty-three chromosomes. To avoid diseases being inherited by parents’ offspring genetic counseling is available and looks into family history. Nurture refers to the environment, social factors and personal experiences. For example, where someone is born and raised. Children need to be nurtured with love and support from people around them, but this could impact their different areas of …show more content…

PKU is caused when a child inherits a recessive gene from chromosome twelve from both parents (Kail, p. 57). When this genotype is inside the child, their body is unable to break down phenylalanine because it lacks an enzyme. This leads to damage in their nervous system and leads to retarded mental development. Nurtures role is huge when it comes to PKU. It is found in many foods such as meats, eggs, chicken, and cheese. Most of these foods are eaten on a daily basis and the environment puts out phenylalanine, which makes it necessary for PKU to emerge. Language is an area of development that is effected by both nature and nurture. Nature decides human's dispositions and nurture can change these personalities. For example, in an environment where a child is learning to speak around parents with a large vocabulary as compared to an environment where the parent’s vocabulary is not as large, one child will have larger vocabulary skills than the other due to the environment. Children could also be affected by how much attention they

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