
What Is The Documentary 'A Girl In The River: Price Of Forgiveness'

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In conclusion, the documentary A Girl in the River: Price of Forgiveness by Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy effectively portrays honor killing in Pakistan in four ways: the character of Saba, her father's character, the composition of the documentary, and the inclusion of interviews with officials. The documentary is based on the issue of honor killing in Pakistan. Saba was 19 years old when she was targeted for honor killing by her father and uncle because of marrying the man of her choice, without letting her parents know. Despite being in jail Saba's father does not regret what he has done, rather he is very proud of himself and calls himself an honorable man. In the movie, Saba is portrayed as a powerless, dependent and emotional character, which represents honor killing well because it shows the situation of many other girls in Pakistan. A large portion of women does not have a voice in the significant decisions of their lives, and they don't have the flexibility to carry on with their life openly. They are supposed to live their life under the limits of the society; otherwise, they will be subjected to punishments like honor killing. On the other hand, Saba's father's …show more content…

This shows how women's rights are abolished, and they are exposed to violence and mistreatment. Because she is a girl, Saba is subjected to honor killing and did not get justice either. Importantly, the officials in the movie highlight some precise data about these violations in their interviews, and this plays a crucial role in emphasizing the reality of honor killing in Pakistan. Because of the existence of the forgiveness law, people kill their daughters, wives, sisters and other relatives and go free which encourages other people to do the same thing. This law also protected the criminals in the documentary because the victim forgave

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