
What Is The Differences Between Will Hunting And Catcher In The Rye

Decent Essays

Good Will in the Rye
Hakancan Öztürk
Physiological traumas at small ages, affect children’s future life and their decisions in life in a negative way. Both in the book Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger and the movie Good Will Hunting, there are two young men and their common point is they both had traumas in their childhood. They have an important thing in common and that is their fitting problems in the community. However there are many differences between Holden Caulfield and Will Hunting too, because of their environmental differences and it affects their way of thinking and judging people.
Holden Caulfield and Will Hunting are both against the usual, formal system of education or they are just against schools. In Catcher in the Rye, …show more content…

Will’s decisions are a bit immature because he didn’t have much experience about life and using his brain for significant things. Will’s therapist says, “So if I asked you about art you could give me the skinny on every art book ever written... Michelangelo? ” (47.01) and that’s because Will’s thoughts are just about the books he read. And he doesn’t think and make decisions like an adult. Even his best friend knows that he is a genius and wants him to work for something significant, Will doesn’t want to use his intelligence for important things he just wants to keep having fun with his friends. That shows Holden and Will’s make their decisions poorly and without thinking.
To sum up Will and Holden have many things in common, such as their ideas against schools, however because they have different perspectives and lives their decisions and believes through the life are different. The reason they have many things in common that they both have some childhood traumas and it affected them in a similar way. Such as mis fitting in the community and making poor decisions. To prevent children ruin their own lives, government and parents should always support the children that are having

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