
What Is The Diegesis In The Third Man

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viewer is in a state of suspense they are also more likely to appreciate the big reveals that occur throughout the film.
The diegesis of the Third Man displays externally observable truths. The diegesis in which the film takes place closely resembles what Vienna would have been like at the time. The diegesis is first introduced at the very beginning of the film. A narrator describes vienna and shows different parts of the city. This is important because it introduces the physical structure of the city with its four different sectors. It also introduces the presence of a black market, and when it shows a dead body floating in the water the viewer understands that the city isn’t necessarily safe.
In The Third Man Harry Lime is a foil character to Holly Martins. Though they were close friends they appear to have nothing in common. Harry Lime is wealthy because of his participation in the antibiotics black market. This wealth is apparent when he pays for Martin’s plane ticket. It is also apparent when the viewer sees his living space. It is large and appears to be expensive. Holly Martins is …show more content…

This is best illustrated in the scene where he meets Lime in a ferris wheel. Martins asks Lime if he knew about the police handing Anna over to the russians, and Lime claims that there is nothing he could do. Martins appears to be shocked that Lime wouldn’t do anything to help a person he supposedly loved. This shock is furthered when he discover that in order to protect himself he told the police about Anna. Lime then justifies his illegal activities by claiming that no one actually cared about people. He believed that his actions were worth it because he was able to make money. To Martins who values the goodness in people, these actions were unforgivable. Despite many years worth of good impressions, this one bad experience was enough to change Martin’s perception of Harry Lime into a bad

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