The Tang dynasty was different in their period of decline from the Qing in several ways. One way that the Tang had a different period of decline than the Qing is they spent lees of their money on the military they need to protect their country. This is bad because they will not get the correct things the army need to protect China, witch will let investors in easy. Another way that the Tang dynasty fell that the Qing didn’t was the government revolted on their own leader. This is a problem because the Tang are losing their people that work for them, now they are rebelling against the Tang. The last reason that the Tang dynasty fell where the Quing did not have a problem is the northern nomadic invaders. This is a problem because they are
That does not mean that they were going to last. The Han Dynasty fell in 200 CE. The nomads had tried to invade China multiple times. Qin had ordered people to make the Great Wall of China to keep them out. Since a lot of people were working and dying to get this wall done, they civilization that was not working on the wall suffered. They had less food and less people doing the jobs that were needed to continue the civilization. In the Han Dyansty, they were dedicated to their military too. Only, Wudi started a military school for anyone, except only the rich could afford to send their kids to their, for military training and preparation. The military did start to weaken when they got attacked from outside invaders trying to get into
The weak Han government was an economic factor that influenced the process of dissolution. After ruling for around 400 years, taxes became too high for the people to pay and the government became corrupt. Because of this, the government was no longer centralized and unable to hold the dynasty together.
In the Dynastic Cycle the Tang and Song Dynasties were very different although they had very close founding dates, one after the other, their period of decline/warfare were very different. First, the Tang dynasty was founded in the year 618 CE and ended in the year 907 CE. The Song was founded in about 960 CE right after the Tang ended. The Song Dynasty ended in 1279. Next, the Song and Tang Dynasties ended in very different ways. First, the way that the Song Dynasty ended was that they were attacked by the Khitans in the Northern part of the empire. They were very easy to attack because they believed in an educated person over a strong military. Then the rest of the Song dynasty was destroyed because of more attacks from invaders.
Unstable government and leadership played a large role in the falling of both dynasties. In 189 CE warlord Dong Zhuo assassinated a 13-year-old that was next in line for the throne, so his younger brother could rule. During that time period the government started having trouble funding taxes. They
The Tang Dynasty had its ups and down in government, just like any other Dynasty but most emperors and their government was good. The emperors from the Tang Dynasty helped improve the empire in economy, military, trade, religion and respect for all the people and their religions. The first emperor, who created the Tang Dynasty, was Li Yuan. As he ruled from 618 to 626 he united the empire and respected his people. He respected everyones opinions by lowering the taxes for them and letting everyone bring in their own religion that they believed in. After Li Yuan was Emperor TaiZong, Li Yuan son, ruled from 626-649 and was one of the greatest rulers. TaiZong flourished the Tang Dynasty with good economy and military and even expanded the empire.
The end of the Han Dynasty and the fall of Western Rome had influences that impacted other ancient civilizations. The Han Dynasty started in 202 BCE and ended in 220 CE. Kao Tsu founded the Han after the Qin, and he did not change it that much. Kao Tsu split up the dynasty and if he could find people who were smart, loyal, and that he could trust; he would let them rule their own area.
Following the collapse of the Han Dynasty in 220, China declined into an elongated term of division. China was divided and in a time of war, with a lack of leadership. It was only in the Sui Dynasty (589-618) reunited North and South China as one. The Tang (618-906) and Song (960 - 1279) Dynasties that followed created the “Golden Ages of China”. Although the Tang and Song Dynasties existed in a similar time and had a similar economy, there are also many differences between the influential dynasties such as certain aspects of their society and politics.
The Qing dynasty (1916-1912) is the last imperial dynasty of China, it was consider as the most powerful country during the “golden age” ruled by Kang Xi and Qian Long, and it has over 400 million population and has the 1st ranked GDP in the world at the moment. The Qing has the supreme power at the time and has the significant influence in East Asian. However, the collapse of the Qing Dynasty made a humiliate history of China. The Qing dynasty doesn't fall suddenly, and the collapse of Qing is not just simply because domestic revolution and alien invasion. The failure of the Qing government is worthy to study, we need to take a deep step and explore the root cause of the collapse of Qing.
The money that once supported the building of defensive walls and roads was no longer available. This allowed external enemies to loot and raid these empires. With the resources dwindling, the will to fight was depleting just as fast, forcing the empires to hire mercenaries to help defend the citizens. The Tang dynasty lost all of its treasury in mercenary payments. These mercenaries were barbaric and rude, unnerving the citizens with their behavior. This led to a lot of mistrust of the government and the decisions that the officials were making, which in turn, created a catalyst that escalated the fall of the Tang dynasty and many
From 618-907, the unprecedented leniency and tolerance of the Tang dynasty created a large hyper power, with alliances and trading and such. This empire left a lasting impression on the Chinese. “These and other factors converged to produce a dynasty more tolerant of foreign cultures, religions, and influences than any other in Chinese history.” Taizong was the first emperor of the tang dynasty and set the precedent for his successors. His main goal was to establish equality throughout the regions. He achieved this and became “the first Chinese ruler to establish dominion over the steppes.” As the Tang rule grew larger and larger, it engulfed areas like Manchuria, Vietnam, and parts of Iran. The way they chose to handle the commerce and diplomacy
The Tang Dynasty was a period characterized by thriving prosperity and flourishing arts. Unlike previous periods fluxing between unity and disunion, the Tang established a reunification of China that lasted over three centuries and made China renowned as the most advanced civilization in the world at that time. Many of its achievements, including its unique art styles such as sancai art, provided inspiration for proceeding dynasties thereafter.
Ancient China has a very complex background that has been formed over hundreds of years. Over the years China has had many rulers and they have all ruled in different ways. In Ancient China through all the years they had the same problem. Their problem was that the nomads to their north kept invading them and they couldn't stop them because the nomads had horses. China tried many different strategies to protect themselves: from paying tribute to the northerners, to building walls, or trading over thousands of miles to obtain methods of fighting back, none of these strategies had long term success.
In the Dynastic cycle, the Tang and Song Dynasties of ancient China showed similar periods of prosperity; The Tang studied Confucianism, while the Song used a civil service system. While the Tang finished the great canal, the Song had encouraged education. When the Tang repaired the Great Wall, the Song made a better compass. However, both had large periods of prosperity, both had created beautiful works of art, and both also were known for their lovely poetry.
My first reason why the Tang Dynasty is the best Dynasty that China ever had is because they created the civil service exam. The civil service exam would revolutionize the Tang Dynasty for the rest of its time, and this is because it gave everyone fair and equal representation within the test, but only the best would succeed. This lead to a meritocracy within the government of the Tang Dynasty.
Ironically, in my current position as a Payroll Specialist, I encounter change almost every day. Payroll processing always involves change and updates, which requires the staff to use whatever effective tools available to ensure that changes are continuously moving the team toward new innovations and implementations. Sometimes there is resistance, but for the most part, once the task are identified and the staff fully understand their roles, we begin with a conversation and work around the issues or concerns. There are instances when plans fail, or the outcome is not what we expected, but we come together as a team and analyze what went wrong and how come up with ideas as how we can we make the process better going forward. Most of the change