
What Is The Connection Between Football And The Military

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Football is so quintessentially American in its spectacle, sense of nationalism, and appeal to the American dream. The NFL’s connection to the US military is no secret; the two organizations work closely with the military, paying $5.4 million to 14 NFL teams across the country in exchange for advertising and as a recruitment tool. The NFL shows its dedication to the military's running programs as “Salute to Service, the league's year-round effort to honor, empower, and connect with our nation's service members, veterans, and their families." Athletics and the military overlap in their recruitment. In 2022, despite an abundance of ROTC and JROTC programs across the nation, the U.S. military was actively discussing an initiative to fund athletic …show more content…

In many ways, football serves as a microcosm of the U.S. military itself, and that is in large part what makes this sportwashing so effective. The paternalism of these institutions and the way in which their fanfare is tied to traditions embedded within the country make both institutions difficult to critique en masse. Both football and the military serve as instruments to promote nationalism and conformity. These ideals are seen in the use of uniforms to differentiate teams and in strict training, which emphasizes obedience to coaches or commanding officers. The fanfare and ritual of football also mirror those seen within the U.S. military. Both capitalize on the glorification of individual heroes who sacrifice their bodies for a higher cause. They create heroes to be worshipped and celebrated by the masses of the American public. Both institutions also capitalize on the myth of the American dream and the protestant ideals that accompany it and permeate the broader culture in the US. that every citizen of the country has an equal opportunity to achieve success through hard work and determination harnessed to create a sense of purpose and …show more content…

While the narrative of hard work and sacrifice to provide for your loved ones and achieve success and glory prevails, the reality is that the violence of a career in football and the military takes a significant toll on the bodies and minds of those involved. In football, players endure the physical brutality of the sport, facing long-term health issues. Similarly, military service takes a toll on soldiers, leading to physical injuries, post-traumatic stress, and death. In 2014, 500 players accused the NFL of providing painkillers to allow them to play longer while they were injured, exacerbating the injury and worsening the future prognosis of the injury. The US military has historically drugged soldiers to allow them to push their bodies past the point of failure. Particularly in supplying its troops in Vietnam with speed. Ultimately, both organizations treat their men as disposable, ignoring the long-term health and wellbeing of the individuals they recruit and not providing resources to help them after they are experiencing the effects of the

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