The main character of The House of the Scorpion is named Matt who lives in a place called Opium. Opium is a strip of poppy fields lying between the United States and what used to be called Mexico. There is one problem for Matt because he is the clone who was made in a lab by a scientist named Eduardo. In the real world people think clones are animals or monsters. He is a special clone because he is the clone of El Patron, a drug lord, who owns Opium. At the end, El Patron dies which then causes Matt to have the title, “The Lord of Opium”
In the book The House of the Scorpion there are many characters that stand out, but the one that stands out the most for me is Tom.Tom really stood out for me because he was one of the people that was really mean and rude to as well as a troublemaker to Matt the main character. For example it says, “You’re ugly, said the boy.You look like a pig in a sty. Matt wanted to reply, but the habit of silence had grown too strong. He could only glare at the intruder. In the hazy background of his mind, he recalled a boy named Tom, who was bad.” In this quote not only does it say that Tom was bad, but Tom was also saying some rude things to Matt like calling him ugly. As well as another quote in the story, “That got you, didn’t it? Wait’ll I tell your girlfriend how cute you are now.You smell like a pile of dung.” This shows that Tom is mean because he is telling Matt that he smells bad which I was thought to keep things to myself if they are mean.
The way that Nick describes Tom expresses his dislike for him. He sees him as too arrogant and cruel. In chapter one, its is said that “there were men at New Haven that hated his guts.” (page 7).
By the end of the book Matt has grown up and gotten past many obstacles. He has accepted his identity, made his own choices and created strong relationships. But he has yet to have overcome the greatest obstacle, turning Opium into a beautiful, peaceful place. This will not be a problem for him because through all his struggles Matt has matured into a smart, independent, young adult.House of the Scorpion essay
Keep the questions in mind while reading through everything I’m writing. The house of the scorpion a book about, a powerful drug lord named el patron. El patron has clones, and one of his clones is matt. Matt is really important to el patron because, if el patron get sick and about to die, he can just replace matt’s organs instead of his own.
The character I can relate to most in The House of The Scorpion is Matt. At the start of the book, Matt is a
The House of the Scorpion is an adolescent novel that follows the life of Matteo Alacran, a genetic clone of the infamous and wealthy opium dealer El Patron. The novel is set in an undetermined future time when an entire swath of land between Mexico (called Aztlan in the novel) and the United States has been turned over to drug dealers who mass-produce opium. Their "country" is aptly named Opium, nicknamed Dreamland, and is reigned over by El Patron. El Patron started poor but slowly established power and wealth through his drug trade, rising in the ranks of the cartel. In a deal when he promised to patrol the borders between the two countries with his own crew of border men (called the Farm Patrol), he was gifted the conflict-ridden portion
Matteo Alacrán is a clone, which are the roadkill of the land called Opium in the book The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer. Matteo, also known as Matt throughout the story, is the clone of the Lord of Opium, who we later find out is a very evil man. At a young age, he had no friends besides his guardian, Celia, and lived in an isolated place in the farms of Opium. When he was six years old, he is found by 3 children. Steven is the original Matteo Alacran’s Great-Great-Grandson, while Emilia and Maria are the children of the Senator of the United States. At first sight, they believe Matt is an eejit, which is like a zombie, until Matt breaks the window and jumps out, landing on glass and passing out.
We should never assume that someone can not be your friend if they aren’t your type or don’t act like you do. If we don't assume or judge people on how they act, look, or even their background, we can become the best of friends with people we don't think we would ever be friends with. Who knows, maybe you may be somewhat alike! The book, The House of the Scorpion, is written by Nancy Farmer and it is about the cloning of a man named Matt and how you can get through the hard parts of life with friends and family. The main character Matt, is a clone of a drug lord named El Patron.
In the story The House of the Scorpion, written by Nancy Farmer, the main character is Matt. The Main setting is in the country Opium. In the beginning of the story, Matt is five years old and he lives in a small shack in the middle of a poppy field. The main problem/conflict in the book is Matt’s struggle to survive in these harsh conditions. The solution is Matt crosses the border into Aztlan and seeks Maria and her mother Esperanza.
In the story, The House of the Scorpion, written by Nancy Farmer, The main character is Matteo (Matt) Alacrán. The main conflict in the book is that Matt is a clone of El Patrón. El Patrón is a very powerful drug lord the rules Opium. Clone are made/ created for organs for their real persona; so Matt was created so El Patron could have a heart or new organs to live. People hate clones because they are not real people and are just duplicates, that mean they have no purposes than for organs.
You thought clones were not real, well think again. Matt is a clone of the most powerful ruler in opium drug country. The theme we chose for this book “House of the Scorpion” by Nancy Farmer is that the people who truly love you will risk everything for you. The first reason is that Celia loves Matt and takes major risks for him. The second reason is the love Maria shows for Matt.
In The House of the Scorpion, Nancy Farmer states, "No one can tell the difference between a clone and a human. That's because there isn't any difference. The idea of clones being inferior is a lie." Members of the Alacrán household try to choose Matt's destiny before he is created and impose false allegations on him throughout his life. The belief that Matt is dangerous, a useless clone, and will become like El Patrón leaves him no room to create an identity of his own. In the House of the Scorpion, Matteo Alacrán is faced with the internal conflict of what his real identity is and the author interprets that he does not have his destiny chosen for him but he becomes his own person through his experiences.
The House of The Scorpion is a dark plot written by Nancy Farmer about a young boy named Matteo Alacrán. He lived in isolation with his caretaker, Celia who works for the highly compelling and affluent Alacrán family, of which El Patron is the head. El Patron is the drug lord ruler of the dystopian country, Opium. Later on in the story, Matt finds out he is the clone of El Patron and his life takes a turn for the worse. Through the characters of El Patron, the keepers, Tam Lin and Celia, Farmer shows us that those bestowed with power have the ability to use it however they please, for better or for worse.
Everyone needs friends who they can trust and rely on to always have their back. The House of the Scorpion is a dystopian fiction novel written by Nancy Farmer, is about a clone, named Matt, of the powerful drug lord, El Patron. When he is brought into a world ruled by El Patron, he is hated by everyone in the big house, except for a sweet girl named Maria, who lightens Matt’s day with just her presence, his bodyguard who becomes more like his father, and Celia, the woman who has taken care of Matt since he was made into a clone. He learns what it is like to live in a world full of social hierarchy and in his adventure he goes from the top to the bottom and everywhere in between. He is constantly being judged on who he is and is learning more about his identity, though mostly learns about love and loyalty . In this adventure of The House of the Scorpions, Matt finds that loyalty with friends is one of the most important things to have. Farmer shows many aspects that point to this theme.
Tom is an immoral character. He is very unlikeable because of his uncivilized attitude. He is a very arrogant, dominating and boorish man who doesn’t cares about anyone focusing only on what he wants and looks down on poor, helpless people. Not only this, but he is also racist and a complete hypocrite.
Tom is very adventurous which can regularly lead to mischief. He tends to trick people for personal gain. Aside from being a troublemaker, he also enjoys reading books—especially adventure novels. Tom likes to recruit several of his friends to act as characters in his favorite adventure books. Tom can be extremely bossy when he is with a group of friends; he likes to be the leader of the group.