From these results we can extrapolate possible explanations as to the changes between abiotic and biotic factors and how they influenced each other in a small freshwater ecosystem. It is highly noted that Nitrogen and Phosphorous are the most limited nutrients of primary production in freshwater ecosystems (Schindler, 1977; Hecky and Kilham, 1988). This gives reason as to why the Nitella decreased and why much of the duckweed was dying over the 3 weeks, as these primary producers must absorb their nutrients from the water. However, as predicted by Sand-Jenson and Borum (1991) in shallow waters with low nutrients, vascular plants will still thrive due to their ability to draw nutrients from their sediments (Havens et al, 2000). This correlates
Nutrients that are obtained from the soil from plant roots are nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Boron, Manganese, Zinc, Molybdenum, Copper. These twelve elements that are obtained from the soil are called mineral nutrients which are then split into more groups; primary, intermediate and micronutrients (Essential Nutrients, n.d.). Primary nutrients are called by its name because they needed and are found in the most amounts. Primary nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. The intermediate nutrients are sulfur, magnesium and calcium which are found less in soil than primary nutrients. Primary and secondary nutrients are called macronutrients. Iron, boron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum and copper are called micronutrients because they are needed in very small amounts. So small in fact that they are needed in parts per million, where 10000 parts per million is 1% of the plants intake (Essential Nutrients, n.d.). This doesn’t mean that the plant won’t grow as well without it though, these nutrients can still be essential to maximum growth spurt (Essential Nutrients,
Now that you have considered the different habitats in which the white clover is found and the factors
During this experiment, six test sites with depth ranging between 0.5m and 6m deep were selected for the project and three of them was designated for control sites(Michon,2005).Generally, after installation of the jute burlap, there was a blockage of watermilfoil’s growth within a few months and this was due to the reduced sunlight and the weight applied on watermilfoil which made it difficult to push through the burlap(Michon,2015).The watermilfoil reproduces asexually through fragmentation and the stems were not strong enough to withstand the weight of the burlap(Michon,2015). In the long term, about 87 to 95% of the treated area was free from the invasive species, but only after three years, the burlap decomposed, and the presence of the
5. How would halophytes be affected if there is a decrease of salinity in a wetland?
An abiotic environmental factor affecting the organisms in the rocky shore is the temperature, this is because the temperature of the water affects the amount of dissolved oxygen the water can hold. Aquatic organisms are dependent on dissolved oxygen for their survival in this ecosystem.
Only one fish was from the duckweed container, and the other three were from the control container. After another three days, three fish had died, with two from the control, wiping all the population there out, and the remaining three goldfish were from the container with duckweed. When the goldfish died, they were floating on the top of the water, and their stomachs had a shiny, iridescent sheen. The bodies were deflated, and the stomachs had a cut through them.
The villagers view Santiago as an old man who used to be a great fisherman, but is now too aged and unlucky to fish as he used to. The author expresses this on page 11, writing “...many of the fishermen made fun of the old man and he was not angry. Others, of the older fishermen, looked at him and were sad.” The villagers know that Santiago hasn’t caught a fish in ages and make fun of his bad luck, but the older fishermen know of Santiago’s great legacy as a fisherman and feel sympathetic.
Plant foods contain three essential nutrients that are not readily available from soils. These are soluble compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. A typical label on a plant food will have a set of numbers such as 15-30-15. These numbers mean that the plant food is guaranteed to contain at least 15% nitrogen, 30% phosphorus (expressed as P2O5) and
The main component of this study is the Diel Cycle, a process which tracks various biogeochemical processes in ecological systems over the duration of 24 hours. The study takes place in the San Joaquin Marsh in Irvine, the area consists of 11 ponds with 60 percent of its surface area as shallow shelf and the other 40 percent being deep permanent water (Bowler, 2010). The diel cycles record numerous basic abiotic measurements, but the crucial aspects of this study are the dissolved oxygen levels as they alternate between days and nights. Dissolved Oxygen level is one of the main dictator of ponds’ ecological health, observing its fluctuations can help predict changes in the aquatic ecosystem (Nimick, 2010; Andrade, 2015). The dissolved oxygen
Streams are an important role in processing nutrients and carbon received from the environment (Juckers, 2013). Dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, pH, temperature and phosphates levels affect the ecosystems surrounding the stream. These properties allow us to monitor the quality of water. It is crucial to have stable levels of dissolved oxygen to support aquatic life (Correa-González, 2014). Low dissolved oxygen levels are suitable for anaerobic organism, but deadly to aerobic organism. The levels of oxygen impact the nutrient concentration. Streams with low oxygen concentrations have more nutrients. Low oxygen concentrations cause warmer temperatures in
Water quality parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, seston, water temperature etc. are important variables in the abundance and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates of the Old Chelsea stream. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that pH and dissolved oxygen have a direct correlation on biotic factors within the stream. Furthermore, due to the surface water velocity variations of the stream, it is hypothesized that water pH and dissolved oxygen interreach variability is statistically significant.
When the pH level is between 6.0 and 7.0 plants are able to grow well. This is because at this pH level the nutrients from the soil that the plant needs are able to dissolve easily in water. When the roots of the plant absorb the water, they are also absorbing the nutrients from the soil that the plant needs to live. (organic life)
The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) explains that if this trend of eutrophication continues, what is known to be a “dead zone” will be created.
Other Abiotic Factors: Some abiotic factors in the desert would be precipitation, water availability, sunlight and temperature. Despite their lack of water deserts get 10 inches of rainfall a year. The desert gets drought every year before it gets the 10 inches of rainfall. Severe drought can deplete water sources and can cause
Shallow, eutrophic aquatic ecosystems stocked with macrophytes are among the most productive in the world (Schierup, H-H, 1978). Nutritional requirements of aquatic plants are essentially same as terrestrial plants, but they have adapted their metabolism to the aquatic environment. Most aquatic plants have high water