
What Is The Biggest Change In To Kill A Mockingbird

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When I was in my teens, I got into a gang and caused lots of problems all over Maycomb County. The stories that go around about it, have most likely been altered. My friends and I stole a car and were driving around the square when the sheriff tried to arrest us. Obviously, nobody wanted to go to jail and since we were “bad” kids, we locked him in the outhouse. The children that live a few houses down the street and the entire community never came around my house. I've heard from my father and brother that the neighbors think i'm 6 and a half feet tall, have rotting yellow teeth, eat raw animals and am mentally insane. When I was in my 30’s, I was sitting in the livingroom cutting out articles and different pictures for my scrap book and when my father walked by me I drove …show more content…

The town sent all my friends away for stealing the car, but not me. I got “criminal charges” but my father wouldn't let them sent me to an asylum. I honestly wish he would have let them because maybe the people there could have helped me and made me better. Since my father said no to the asylum, they put me in the courthouse basement. Oh man that place was horrible, it was covered in dirt and bugs were everywhere. The air was damp, it was hard for me to breath especially with the mold and the darkness didn't help much either. They only let me out of there because they told my dad that if he didn't take me back home and out of that basement that the mold and dampness would kill me. So my father brought me home and I haven't really come out of the house since, it's been many years. I get glimpses out of the windows and i've heard the children talking about how “my dad chained me to the bed” and that I only come out at night to look into people's windows. I've also heard them say things about how they think I would kill them. The house was bad luck and when someone passed my house they were either running or on the other side of the street. It's hard because everyone thinks so

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