
What Is The Argument Of The Third Tuesday By Morris Carrie

Decent Essays

For this comparing arguments essay, I chose regret. The section titled The Third Tuesday is my first argument about Morrie’s opinion on regrets, how we are affected by it, and his experiences with them on pages 62 to 68. My other argument is an online article about what we regret the most and why (This explanation is also its’ title) by Neal J. Rose and Amy Summerville. I am checking these arguments for their usage of logos for their positions, if their arguments are sufficient, and if their arguments are deductive and valid. Morrie's argument wasn’t mainly focused on logos. Morrie was spread out between all 3 appeals. He showed how he was brave and unregretful when he was so close to death, he explained logically why people these days don’t think about regret, and very emotionally from how he was observed and how Mitch perceived him about regret. Mitch notices, ”Morrie was looking at life from a very different place than anyone else I knew… And he was about to die” Mitch noticed how he was strong when logically it wouldn’t make sense too. The online argument …show more content…

The chapter (The Third Tuesday) didn’t give very much about regret and was mostly about the current day and what happened. What Morrie did share about regret was very little and insufficient but very important. An example what Morrie shared is when he said, “Mitch, the culture doesn’t encourage you to think about such things until you’re about to die.” The online argument had an exceeding amount of information, studies, references, and research about regret. This topic wasn’t just sufficient it had more than I really needed for this kind of assignment. An example of how much they had is how they had 7 paragraphs on opportunities. Their explanation on regret simple, “Opportunity breeds regret.” then start listing reasons, examinations, quotes, other people's views and observations, and research on different

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