
What Is Penelope's Loyalty In The Odyssey

Decent Essays

What does a faithful person look like to you? A kind and caring person? One who is loyal? One

who would put another's needs above their own? In the book, “The Odyssey,” Penelope, (Odysseus'

wife), is all of these things. Penelope demonstrates her faithfulness by waiting for Odysseus, resisting

sexual temptation, and protecting Odysseus from his enemies. First, Penelope waits for Odysseus. She makes up her mind that she will not marry any other

man, despite the pressure she had been receiving from her suitors. When one of her suitors tells her

that she is to marry him, she tells him that she would like to weave a rug for their home before she

marries him. But Penelope has a plan. Every day, she …show more content…

When some enemy soldiers come to her

house and demand to know Odysseus' whereabouts, she points them in the opposite direction of

where Odysseus had actually gone. The soldiers believe her, and go the opposite way. So she protects

Odysseus even though she could have been killed if the soldiers had found her words to be false. When

Penelope is at her home, she overhears a man telling his comrades of his plan to murder Odysseus.

She stands by the window, listening to the men's voices. She devises another plan to kill the man who

wants to murder her husband. So when no one is around, Penelope brandishes her sword and

kills the imbecil. In this way, she protects her true love from one whose wish was to harm him. As

the end of the war is approaching, Penelope gets word that Odysseus and his men are to

fight one last battle. In hearing this, Penelope prays to Athene, the goddess of war, and convinces her

to help Odysseus win the battle. Athene listens to Penelope, and causes the enemy to be defeated. So

Penelope protects Odysseus by talking Athene into helping their side win. In hearing of these examples, we can come to the conclusion that Penelope really is faithful

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