
What Is Melting Pot As A Metaphor To Describe America?

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America is home to everyone. Your native land is not of essence once in America. In this paper, the main objective is look at the new word in fashion t salad bowl and why it is preferred to the old one melting pot as a metaphor to describe America. For some time now, America has been best described by the term melting pot. A melting pot is a metaphor used to describe a situation that is more the same as that of cheese. When different kinds of cheese are put together to melt and form a new cheese is what is known as melting pot. This is the same situation in America. There are many people all from diverse ethnic, social, cultural groups that unite together to form a whole new nation called America (Dream ACT, …show more content…

Salad bowl, the new word in fashion is actually the right metaphor in which American people can be described with. Melting pot analogy has one limitation. It suggests that people forget where they came from, their culture and tradition to form a whole new America with different people from who they were. However the salad bowl on the other hand involves a combination of meats, cheeses, and creamy ranch dressing etc. (Ready Pac, 2014). The moment they are all combined in the bowl, they do not cease to be what they were originally. The bowl might have different kinds of vegetables but still they remain what they were. The salad bowl also has different kinds of vegetables that are important to our bodies differently. The salad bowl has a unique kind of taste all the same because of the mixture. That is the exact situation that immigration has brought about in America. Mexicans, Latinos, black Americans, Cubans, Africans, Asians all come together to make one nation called America (Booth, 1998). That is why in America you will find sub groups of people from different heritages such as Irish Americans, Black Americans, Italian Americans, Chinese Americans all residing together peacefully .They still maintain their cultural practices however they now become Americans. They do not simply forget their cultural heritage,

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