America is home to everyone. Your native land is not of essence once in America. In this paper, the main objective is look at the new word in fashion t salad bowl and why it is preferred to the old one melting pot as a metaphor to describe America. For some time now, America has been best described by the term melting pot. A melting pot is a metaphor used to describe a situation that is more the same as that of cheese. When different kinds of cheese are put together to melt and form a new cheese is what is known as melting pot. This is the same situation in America. There are many people all from diverse ethnic, social, cultural groups that unite together to form a whole new nation called America (Dream ACT, …show more content…
Salad bowl, the new word in fashion is actually the right metaphor in which American people can be described with. Melting pot analogy has one limitation. It suggests that people forget where they came from, their culture and tradition to form a whole new America with different people from who they were. However the salad bowl on the other hand involves a combination of meats, cheeses, and creamy ranch dressing etc. (Ready Pac, 2014). The moment they are all combined in the bowl, they do not cease to be what they were originally. The bowl might have different kinds of vegetables but still they remain what they were. The salad bowl also has different kinds of vegetables that are important to our bodies differently. The salad bowl has a unique kind of taste all the same because of the mixture. That is the exact situation that immigration has brought about in America. Mexicans, Latinos, black Americans, Cubans, Africans, Asians all come together to make one nation called America (Booth, 1998). That is why in America you will find sub groups of people from different heritages such as Irish Americans, Black Americans, Italian Americans, Chinese Americans all residing together peacefully .They still maintain their cultural practices however they now become Americans. They do not simply forget their cultural heritage,
This description of a melting pot is now heard frequently in America to describe its citizens. The cultural assimilation that occurred in the colonies of the New World gave the people a great sense of identity and the unity as all being Americans.
America was founded on change. Past revolutions were fought to make new ways in which to live life in this country. Our families all came to America, at one point, to feed into this definition of being an American. The term melting pot in my mind means structure, meaning what we, as
After the death of Alexander the Great, the empire was in complete chaos for Alexander had not named an heir. While Perdiccas suggested waiting for the birth of Alexander and Roanne’s child, I proposed to divide the kingdom amongst the leading generals. After my campaign to divide the empire, I successfully acquired the title as the ruler of Egypt. I, Ptolemy Soter Ⅰ, the Pharaoh of Egypt, have contributed greatly to the advancements of my kingdom. For starters, I have stabilized the economy and placed the administration on sound footing.
Ever since birth Americans are told that they live in a free country with a diverse cultured society. But these myths are misleading. The myth of the Melting Pot and of Freedom in accord with the other myths mentioned in this book deceivingly make the United States appear to be more equal than it actually is. The Myth of the Melting Pot says that the United States is like a “melting pot” of cultures and ethnicities.
Several years ago, America was taught to be a 'melting pot,' a place where immigrants of different cultures or races form an integrated society, but now America is more of a 'salad bowl' where instead of forming an incorporated entity the people who make up the bowl are unwilling to unite as one. America started as an immigrant nation and has continued to be so. People all over the world come to America for several reasons. Most people come to America voluntarily, but very few come unwillingly. For whatever reasons they may have for coming they all have to face exposure to American society. When exposed to this 'new' society they choose whether to assimilate or not. Assimilation
However, Paine correctly depicts America’s melting pot created by the assimilation of immigrants from all different nations in the world. The United States is comprised of people from various cultures, religions, ethnicities, and beliefs. The population generally speaking, encourages diversity, welcomes those of all backgrounds, and provides assistance to support their beliefs and customs. They also experience all the rights that citizens do and there are laws in place to avoid discrimination at school or in the workplace for their race or ethnicity.
The United States is known as the melting pot because of the many different cultures that live here. Hispanics make up 35.3 million according to the 2000 census. Many people don’t realize that within the Hispanic culture there are many different groups. The different groups have different linguistic, political, social, economic, religion, and statues. Most Hispanics see themselves in terms of their individual ethnic identity, as Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban, etc. instead of members of the larger, more ambiguous term Hispanic or Latino (U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany, 2009).
“No metaphor can capture completely the complexity of ethnic dynamics in the U.S. ‘Melting pot’ ignores the persistence and reconfiguration of the ethnicity over the generations. ‘Mosaic,’ much more apt for pluralistic societies such as Kenya or India, is too static a metaphor; it fails to take in to account the easy penetration of many ethnic boundaries. Nor is ‘salad bowl’ appropriate; the ingredients of a salad bowl are mixed but do not change. ‘Rainbow’ is a tantalizing metaphor, but rainbows disappear. ‘Symphony,’ like ‘rainbow,’ implies near perfect harmony; both fail to take into account the variety and range of ethnic
Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) is a phenomenon that occurs within the criminal justice system. DMC is exhibited through the high percentages of minority contact statistically when compared to predictions that are based on the minority populations within certain communities. DMC is even prevalent in the juvenile justice system that has been created here in America. Disproportionate minority contact is a national, state and local issue that has been discussed for years. The government has made many futile attempts to combat DMC through the creation of amendments, policies and programs. However, the numbers of minority youth in the criminal justice and juvenile justice system remain to be quite staggering.
America was widely known as a “melting pot” of sorts for many generations. The country earned its title by accepting immigrants of various cultures and molding, or melting, them into the American lifestyle. However, the “melting pot” idea of America is starting to dissipate. According to a Newsweek Poll on the public, “only 20 percent still think America is a melting pot” (Morganthau and Wolfberg, par.4). As more Americans push away immigrants and create stereotypes against said immigrants, America continues to lose its title as a “melting pot.” There is ethnic friction in America and people have begun to have a hard time assimilating (Morganthau and Wolfberg, par.18). .America is beginning to place a negative outlook on its
The United States, created by blending or melting many cultures together into one common man, known as an American. Modern communication and transportation accelerate mass migrations from one continent . . . to the United States (Schlesinger 21). Ethnic and racial diversity was bound to happen in the American society. As immigration began to explode, . . . a cult of ethnicity erupted both between non-Anglo whites and among nonwhite minorities. (22).
Multiculturalism is also known as ethnic diversity relating to communities containing multiple cultures. The term is used in two different broad ways, descriptively and normatively. By using the descriptive term, we usually refer to the simple fact of cultural diversity. This can be applied to the demographic make-up of a specific place and sometimes at the organizational level such as schools, neighborhoods or nations. The normative term is often referred to ideologies or politics that promote this diversity or its institutionalization. The United States have been a magnet for people all over the globe, searching for a better life and bringing their own culture and traditions to a new vast country. No
American was dominated by the image of the melting pot that “melts up” all race differences and cultures to become on American culture. The ideas of multiculturalism started at the end of the nineteenth century and turned into the concept of cultural pluralism that defined the nation as a mixture of diverse ethnicities with different cultural backgrounds, all co-existing and contributing to the new nation.
The United States is described as a nation of immigrants. Since colonial times, thousands of millions of people from across the world have left their homes in search of something. Most of them settled in the United States in search of economic opportunity, political or religious freedom, or to reunite with family members. This long history of immigration has made the United States one of the world’s most ethnically and culturally diverse nations. One aspect of this cultural diversity is the presence of many different languages within its borders. United state is also known as salad bowl because it has absorbed many different cultures and
The “melting pot” culture refers to people from various cultures coming together to create a new unique culture. (Lorenzo, 2000) In other words, these cultures have ‘melted’ together in a ‘pot’. For example, Chinese, Koreans, Germans and more cultures blended in together to create a whole new American culture. They are not Chinese-Americans, Korean-Americans or German-Americans anymore but just Americans. On the other hand, “salad bowl” culture refers to immigrants who do not lose the aspects of their cultures. . (Lorenzo, 2000) To put it in another way, you can still clearly see the different ‘ingredients’ in a ‘salad bowl’. As a contrast to the melting pot theory’s example, Chinese-Americans, Korean-Americans and German-Americans will still keep the unique traits of their cultures while living together in the country. America has been traditionally referred to as a ‘melting pot’, but recently; there are people who argue that ‘salad bowl’ will be a better description of America’s society today.