
What Is Meant By Doris Lessing Group Minds

Decent Essays

In the essay “Group Minds,” the author Doris Lessing discusses the idea of “group minds” or group mentality. Group mentality combines the ideas that humans crave companionship and tend to change or form their opinion based on the most accepted ideas of a group a person belongs to, so as not to stand in opposition.
Though a group mentality can be perilous, being in a group is not the problem. Lessing describes what she believes the true problem is: “What is dangerous is not the belonging to a group, or groups, but not understanding the social laws that govern groups and govern us” (Lessing 652). By this, Lessing means that it is not a problem to be part of a group. Humans typically crave togetherness and tend to find groups with compatible opinions. The problem, according to Lessing, is being unaware of the human tendencies in groups. …show more content…

Lessing says, “It is the hardest thing in the world to maintain an individual dissident opinion, as a member of a group” (Lessing 652). This means that as a minority in a difference of opinion, maintaining your position is very difficult. Lessing provides evidence for her claim by citing an unspecified experiment in which a person is correct in their original claim, but is set to have a differing opinion as the larger group. The larger group is told to maintain their position, and the original person will change their mind in almost every case. This illustrates Lessing’s point that the idea of “group minds” can be very

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