
What Is Kurt Lewin's Field Theory And Process Driven Change

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Turnaround and Transformation
Duke University Children's Hospital was facing a financial crisis in 1996 that required turnaround and transformation in order for the hospital to survive (Spector, 2013). On top of the financial crisis, caused by decreased Medicaid allowances and an increase in capitated reimbursement patients, patient and staff satisfaction had reached an all-time low (Spector, 2013). The hospital's chief medical director, Jon Meliones, understood that the hospital could only do so much to control their financial outcomes and a united front would be needed to bring about effective and impactful change (Spector, 2013).
Kurt Lewin's Field Theory & Process-Driven Change
According to Spector (2013) Lewin's field theory has three steps: 1) unfreezing; 2) Moving and; 3) refreezing. Unfreezing and refreezing serve as bookends to the process. Unfreezing requires members of the group to be unsatisfied with the status quo (Spector, 2013). In the case of Children's Hospital, the financial crisis and employee moral/satisfaction were at all-time lows which created the dissatisfaction with the status quo (Spector, 2013). Once a new status quo and new patterns of behavior have been implemented refreezing can occur (Spector, 2013). However, in order to get to refreezing, moving needs to occur which encourages members of the group to alter their behavior (Spector, 2013).
One way to encourage members of the group to alter their behavior, or move, is through process-driven

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