
What Is Krypton?

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What is the first think you think that comes to mind when you think of Krypton? For many, they think of the home planet where superman came from. What many do not know is, that it is the last element in the fourth period, and one of the rare noble gases to find on Earth. Noble gases are found in group 18, these gases are known as chemical elements of the periodic table. The group includes Krypton, Helium, Neon, Argon, Xenon, and Radon. These elements do not react with any other elements because they are already stable. They are stable due to having to the most number of electrons in their outer shell can hold which is 8. The only noble gas that does not have 8 electrons in its outer shell is helium. The name Krypton comes from the Greek word krytos which means hidden. The atomic symbol for the element in the periodic table is Kr. The atomic number is 36, which means the number of protons or electrons in the nucleus. The average weight is 8.738 in atomic weight units. The number of Neutrons it contains is 48. The gas density is 3.749 g/liter at 0 C. The melting point for the element is -157.20 °C and its boiling point is-153.2 °C. Krypton is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless element. …show more content…

For example you can it find it in flash photography. When using flash in a camera, really high temperature can cause the light to burn up. They krypton as a gas inset to surround the active and flash light. Since Krypton is a nonreactive gas it used in fluorescent light as well with argon to make them

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