
What Is Homophobia?

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Homophobia is defined as the “unreasoning fear of homosexuals or homosexuality”. Even though our world is making progress, homophobia is still very relevant to our society. At this very moment, we are living in a world where most queer individuals have to hide who they truly are. We are living in a world where one of my best friends had a breakdown when she told me she was gay. We are living in a world where she was scared to admit this to me because it may have broken our friendship. We are living in a world where that is normal.

It was found that every five hours an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) teenager commits suicide. Every five hours. Could you imagine what was running through their head? Could you imagine the amount of …show more content…

Gay marriage was only just legalised in America last year, and it isn’t even legal in Australia. These are some of the most powerful countries in the world, and yet it was, and still is, illegal for people to declare their love. So, it isn’t legal for two people -who love each other- to declare it officially, but it is legal for a straight couple to divorce after only two weeks of marriage. All love should be equal, why does it matter if you’re gay or straight? What is the difference? Marriage should be defined by two people who are in love, not by two genders. There is also an immense stigma around LGBT individuals and adoption. They are told that their own child is more likely to be gay if their parents are, but their parent's sexual orientation would not determine what gender they prefer. There is also the argument that a child needs both a mother and father figure in their life, but would you tell this to a single mother? No, you wouldn’t. There is no difference if the argument is considering a ‘father’ figure. Obama stated during his speech about gay rights last year that “people are people, and families are families, and discrimination is so last century.” As a society, we should be aiming for equality, and stop putting someone -just because they are different-

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