Guns are something that America has had since the beginning. America also have a stereotype about us being gunaholics. Like it or not guns are a part of us, yet they can really have a negative impact. People wrongly use guns all the time in crimes such as murder and robbery. Not all people who own guns are crazy or going to use them harmfully so that’s were Gun Control is wrong in taking everyone’s guns. Guns, can be very dangerous, but can also be used for protection and are a right to those who can use them properly or with the right training. What is Gun Control? Well to quote the NY Times “It is a broad term that covers any sort of restriction on what kinds of firearms can be sold and bought, who can possess or sell them, where and how …show more content…
The people who use guns, are for guns, and have guns are actually not surprising. Most people who are against gun control are male, older, little college experience, Republican, live in rural areas, and are gun owners (Gun Rights Vs. Gun Control, 2016). These people are portrayed as the typical redneck. Rednecks are usually portrayed as gun bearing crazy white middleclass people who live in rural areas. Handguns are a type of gun that includes pistols, and any other gun that can be operated correctly with just your hands. These guns are commonly used in crimes and 19 types of semi-automatic handguns were even banned for 10 years (1994-2004). In 1990, 18,885 people died from guns in all, 13,030 of them being from handguns, that is almost seventy percent! With deaths in mind, the United States’ homicide rate is seven times that of Canada’s. That is a huge difference. How does America feel? Well most Americans are for stricter gun control and lengthier and more in depth background checks. In fact, eighty-five percent of Americans are for a stricter background check before the purchase of any gun. Some preventions that Americans think that should be added are a prohibition of any one with a one year or over sentence to their criminal record, unlawful users or anyone on controlled substances, anyone who has been admitted to a mental institute or has mental deficiencies, illegal addicts, dishonorable discharges, or a renounced us citizenship. These are just a few additions that Americans think should be added. (Identify Prohibited Persons,
The banning of firearms in America is an illegal act, and degrades the values this country was founded on. They not only play a vital role in many people's lives, but are useful tools, fun to use, and can protect people from harm. Our founding fathers wanted us to have them to protect ourselves from the government, and would be disgusted at our government's current abuse, and overall disregard of the constitution of the United States. A lot of people argue that guns kill people; this is untrue. Guns in the hands of a negligent person have potential to kill people, just as anything else.
Gun control is a law that controls how guns are sold and used, and who can own them. Allowing people to possess and use a gun with legal documents in the United States is legal. There have been arguments on whether or not is should be legal to own a gun as some people see it as beneficial and others do not. It is believed that guns are beneficial to have, and they are there because we need to be able to protect ourselves. We should not allow the government to have power over gun control for many reasons including the loss of tradition of hunting, not being able to protect ourselves, and simply because of the second amendment.
Americans love guns, we love our second amendment rights and we strongly oppose those who try and take them away. Guns provide significant help for individual protection, but we need to stop handing them out guns like there is a war. The second amendment was implemented when we were still worried about the British taking us over, that is why Americans were allowed to have a gun, in case we need to call up the militia, but those days are over. Horrendous policies and politicians looking out for themselves, taking donation from weapons companies has lead to America having an extremely high gun crime rate. American’s have an abundance of gun related issues due to inadequate restrictions, insufficient political support, and the media’s influence. A change needs to be made in the form of restrictions, and new policies to better our society.
Many people may not understand the term Gun Control and its real meaning. Gun Control is just the name that was given to a set of laws/policies that regulates the manufacture, selling, and the use of firearms by everyday citizens. For example “The Gun Control Act of 1968 required a Federal Firearms License (FFL) for anyone engaged in the business of selling firearms, and outlined several categories of individuals to whom transfer of
As defined by Merriam-Webster, “gun control is laws that control how guns are sold and used and who can own them.” Around this
Guns have been around for a very long time. People love being able to have the freedom to do what they want, especially when they can possess something that make them feel superior. The introduction of the Second Amendment opens up the controversial, yet well anticipated opportunity for United State citizens to be able to own guns. Americans enjoy the benefit of being able to own guns for decades over people in other countries. People can buy guns and carry them around in public. They own guns for many reasons such as to hunt, to protect themselves, and simply to satisfy their desire of owning a gun, but in recent years, the issue of people carry guns has become a problem. There are so many people get killed by guns in different parts of
What is gun control? Gun control are policies that restrict, posses, or modify the use of firearms. I am against the possession of firearms because firearms have caused many injuries or deaths here in California although we have many rules towards the use of firearms. The use of weapons is not really a necessity for us as citizens the only ones who should be able to possess weapons should be the authority meaning the police, the army, the navy, and etc. Firearms shouldn't have to be fired unless you have to in order to defend you or your family from a serial killer or a maniac.
Gun control is a means of restricting the types of firearms sold, and controlling who can purchase them. Too many innocent lives are affected by persons who use weapons for the wrong reasons. The possession of such dangerous weapons is to be taken more seriously.
Guns in the U.S has been a problem for many years now. So much so that America is what comes to mind when people think about guns. America is the most known nation in the world when it comes to firearms, with citizens owning about an astonishing 270 million of the world’s 875 million firearms(Marshall). That is thirty percent on the world registered firearms. The reason why Americans own so may guns comes down to the second Amendment, which claims, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” (Rauch) This grants the citizens from America the right to own and buy firearms. Since this amendment is vague, it comes down to
In the United States of America, we as citizens have the right to bear arms, provided to us by the second amendment to the U.S. constitution, and are part of the United States Bill of Rights. Most American’s still believe that it is our right to bear arms, while a growing number of Americans believe that there should be better gun control regarding this matter. A rising trend has begun on Capitol Hill and all around the United States, which is to rally for better gun control. Although many tragedies have occurred due to improper gun control, many more have been obviated due to the courage of lawful gun carriers. Do we, as a prosperous nation, give up
Gun control is the “government regulation of the sale and ownership of firearms.” ( In D.C., handguns, rifles, shotguns, and revolvers may be registered. Sawed-off shotguns, machine guns, short barreled rifles, unsafe handguns, assault weapons, and .50 caliber rifles are all prohibited in D.C., meaning that there is no possible way to own them. (, 2014). A single person may only register one handgun every 30 days unless the gun was owned in another state. Commonly referred to as the "Assault Weapons Ban, there was a law which banned all assault weapons. This expired in 2004 during the George W. Bush administration and has not been renewed. The most recent reauthorization attempt was sponsored by Rep. David Cicilline, a Rhode Island Democrat. It was also introduced in the House on December 16, 2015. In order for a gun owner to register a gun in D.C. they must be 21 or older, have a clean record, and be cleared as mentally competent. A firearm in D.C. must be stored under lock and key. One cannot carry a firearm without a legal reason unless it is in their dwelling place, place of business, or their land which they possess (DC.Gov, 2014). Ammunition can only be bought if one is a legal gun owner and is buying ammunition specifically for that gun. Ammunition cannot be bought if it is for a gun which is prohibited in D.C. During Obama 's presidency, Congress resisted any attempts bolster gun control laws
Gun control is a term used meaning the restriction of guns that can be bought and used. Gun laws also place regulations and rules to the people who possess them and provide
Americans are divided when it comes to the issue of Gun Control. Some for it and some against it as you have seen from above. Americans believe that with firearms regulated, that there is not going to be a decrease in crime rate, not true. They feel background checks are safe and benefit society, not true. The government believes that it is their right to spy on us, think again. People should not have to be controlled by background checks, the government, or anyone else stopping American Citizens from their own constitutional rights. To help support my opinion on Gun Control, I say we need to revise the gun laws in America so people aren’t being
Gun Control Part I:Introduction The issue of gun control and violence, both in Canada and the United States, is one that simply will not go away. If history is to be any guide, no matter what the resolution to the gun control debate is, it is probable that the arguments pro and con will be much the same as they
Gun Control is more like a ban on the possession of guns and other arms. Laws and Policies are defined to reduce the concept of gun possession from society. The efforts are made in wake of a real threat to the lives of many people and also to control illegal activities like terrorism, robberies and killings. Those times are long gone when a gun was possessed in an order to keep the flocks of animals arranged or to guard the cultivated lands. Now the guns are becoming a real threat to human life. “The possession of arms should be controlled if and only the State takes a proper responsibility to provide safety to the rights and lives of people.”