
What Is Family Intervention

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When a child is born in a family with a disability or a member is diagnosed, had an accident or is diagnosed with a problem, it is an event that affects each member of the family. Because the family can run a series of risks when facing the relationship with the person with a disability: that one parent becomes more charged than the other, that the other siblings feel unattended, that the brothers come to make pseudo- Parents, that the family is closer to the social relation, etc.
The family process must be as close as possible to the process of any other family. Moreover, it must also be prepared for the possible independence of the disabled person. Many times more than accepting and integrating the disabled person costs families to let them fly to the extent of their possibilities, and also in their case to enable their independence. From the principle of normalization and integration, a world and society are advocated where we all have the same rights. …show more content…

The therapist must have a global view of the needs that his clients have, how he interprets them and what he is called upon to respond, and thinking about possible interventions of professional help; we would say that the first necessity that appears is the one of emotional support. As therapists, we must combine realism and positivity. The therapy of people with disabilities, children or adults, should aim to improve their quality of life, consolidating a significant network providing containment, friendship and affection, and promoting the acquisition of adaptive skills that facilitate and favor their relationship with the environment and The deployment of its

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