
What Is Curtis Keim´s Mistaking Africa?

Decent Essays

Famine, poverty, malnourishment, child soldiers, HIV, malaria, suffering are among what I think about when I think about Africa. Along with high mortality rate and lack of clean water. Having a skewed perspective of Africa is something that very few people think of. When the word Africa comes up, the first things we focus on is how can we help? What can we help with? In the book Mistaking Africa by Curtis Keim, he addresses the stereotypes that surround Africa while at the same time debunking those myths and providing more informative view of what and how Africa truly is. However, to have such a bad view of Africa, we must have learn it from somewhere, the media. Thus, this paper attempts to illustrate a picture of Africa that does not only focus on the negative based on the words of Mistaking Africa. …show more content…

Not a great view as I still saw it as everything I mentioned above, but favorable in a way that it is a place that is rich in history. Also, it would be hard to look down on Africa when my home country experienced similar problems and was seen as one of the places that people see and have the instance urge to go and lend a hand in one shape or form. After moving to the US, that view changed. Watching the news every night and seeing the horrible things that are being reported about Africa are heartbreaking. The beauty starts to fade where you reach a point when all that is left are the horrible things you have read or seen. And living here for years makes one think more about helping them. As the years progress, the only source of information that people outside of Africa have of it is the media. The look that it paints for the world of the continent is either bleak or

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