
What Is Cerebrovascular Accident ( Cva )

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What is Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) For many centuries human advancements in technology have saved the lives of many people. Mainly because people are becoming aware of various health conditions and have figured out how to treat these conditions. Throughout this process medical specialists have learned what are the causes and why. People have acquired knowledge of the human body , but one organ that is very complex is the brain. The brain is the central nervous system which is composed of billions of neurons. The brain has different regions that each is responsible for a certain function such as thinking, movements, and hearing. The brain is very complex and which makes it difficult to study health problems that might arise. However, some health conditions are known and one of them is what is known as Cerebrovascular Accident. Cerebrovascular Accident or stroke as most might recognize it, is a condition in which brain tissues does not get enough blood flow or oxygen. Cerebrovascular Accident has been around for quite some time. It dates back about thousands of years ago and was discovered by a man named Hippocrates. Hippocrates was a Greek physician who lived during the Classical Era of Greece. During this time little was known of the brains anatomy and its functions. For the Greeks it was called apoplexy. Apoplexy causes was a mystery until a man by the name Jacob Wepfer, a Swedish pathologist, postulated that apoplexy was caused because of excessive bleeding in the

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