
What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Essay

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What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be defined as a “complex neurological disorder” (National Research Council, 2001), ASD, is the term used to cluster four separate psychiatric disorders together under one umbrella term; Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013). Research by Swedo et al. (2012) recommended that these conditions be grouped together to produce an accurate representation of the current knowledge of autism. The report suggested that clustering these four disorders together would provide a better diagnosis of autism.

These four disorders share some common penchants; most notably communicative difficulties, where individuals struggle to interpret social scenarios accurately, people with ASD struggle to establish and maintain friendships. ASD sufferers are often dependent on routines and often don’t react well to change within the learning environment, Machalicek, O’Reilly, Beretvas, Sigafoos, & Lancioni (2007) allude to the small changes which may throw a child into distress for a whole day making them struggle to stay on task or even lead to disruptive behaviour. Along with the reliance upon routine, individuals with ASD tend to struggle in the formal learning environment; with many struggling with direct instruction; with many struggling to generalize or transfer newly acquired skills to other settings (The National

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