
What Is Australian Government

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Australia has always been one of my favorite countries and on my bucket list to visit. It’s the home of the Great Barrier Reef, The Outback and beautiful Sydney. They also have a great military consisting of The Australian Army, Australia Defense Force, Navy, Air Force and Joint Operation Command are all take part in peacekeeping/humanitarian missions all over the world. Australia also has an interesting government. Did you know they have a Queen and a Prime Minister? Their government is also made up of a legislative, executive, and judicial branch. Its unique terrain, military and government are what helps make it such a great country. Australia has so many fascinating sites and a unique terrain. One of the more popular sight to see, …show more content…

This means they have religious tolerance and freedom of speech. The Australian Constitution was written on January 1 1901. The government has three branches which are legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislative branch is in charge of making the laws. The executive administers the laws which are made by the legislative branch. The judiciary is the country’s court system and are able to remove one of its judges. (What does this mean?) Australia is known as a constitutional monarchy, meaning they have a Queen or King as the head of state, but they are limited to what they can do by the Constitution. Currently, the head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. She has been the head of state since 1952. She is also the Queen of the UK, but they are both separate by law and by the constitution. Even though she is the Queen, she plays no role within the Australian system, she is basically just a figurehead. The Governor General appoints the Queen to pick a Prime Minster of Australia. The National Parliament has two chambers which are the House of Representatives and the Senate. They are both responsible for the national laws. They are responsible for trade, taxation, immigration among other things. The House of Representatives currently has 148 elected members. The Senate has 12 senators from each state and two from each of their two territories. Each state and Territory has its own Constitutional Act, but they also have to go by the national constitution. Also, the states and territory are responsible for the public health, education, roads and emergency services for their state and

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