
What Is A Future Speech-Language Pathologist?

Decent Essays

As social beings, we use languages to communicate with others daily. Unless the loss of verbal expression is personally experienced or observed through a close relative/friend, I believe we take language for granted. As a future speech-language pathologist this concept of everyone having a different opinion on language based off their experiences is thought-provoking. This is why I decided to revolve my HON 211 Creative Project around this topic.
My Creative Project allowed for me to synthesize my future career path into the Honors Curriculum. This makes my understanding of the text more personal and thus extra gratifying. Even though I noticed quotes pertaining to language in the beginning texts, my favorite inspirational moment was when I noticed that Frankenstein was developing language similar to a child. By taking a …show more content…

The leading disagreement was Locke’s belief versus Rousseau’s outlook. Locke believed that the ability to use language was given to us by God. This gift was because God knew man wasn’t supposed to be alone and through communication, relationships could be build and societies could form. However, Rousseau didn’t agree with the necessity for language and hence believed man was in its best state when it was alone. Language and communication abilities aren’t really need when you are alone. Montaigne thought something similar. He believed that a society where the individuals, even cannibals, in it had no knowledge of letter was a perfect one, even stating it to be better than Plato’s Republic. Frankenstein and The Tempest, also, have connecting themes. The characters that learned language, Caliban and Frankenstein’s creature, were both not part of the main society. After learning language, it allowed them miserably to see themselves as outsider. Both character became frustrated with this with Caliban even cursing Prospero for teaching him

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