
What I Learned Now Analysis

Decent Essays

As an upcoming junior, I've had some time to reflect back on what my first year of college taught me. You definitely learn a lot of things during your freshman year, but here are the 9 most important things that I learned!


Tips for college freshman!

Talk to your teachers.

Seriously. As the daughter of two college professors, I had this tip drilled into my head before I started freshman year. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to develop a relationship with your professors. Ask questions, go to office hours, talk after class...whatever it takes to show your professors that you care. Extra effort is definitely noticed.

(Bonus tip: Get to know your teachers before classes start with sites like Rate My Professors.)
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That 90's theme party can wait (no matter how good that 90's throwback music may be!) if you have a big paper to write. Know what you can handle and turn down what you can't; your GPA will thank you later.

Related: How to Balance Your Time During Exam Season

Speaking of GPA, it isn't everything.

I'm not saying you can slack off and let your grades slip, but it's okay if your grades aren't as perfect as they were in high school. And it's understandable: you're in a completely new learning environment, living away from family, pushed into a new social scene, and learning how to handle everything that's thrown your way. Cut yourself some slack, take a deep breath, and do the best you can.


Treat your body well by getting a full night's sleep as much as possible and it will treat you well right back. You might think the opposite, but we really can't function without consistent rest! The all-nighter won't be worth it when you're a zombie the next day. Set a bed time everyday and wake up each morning at the same time. Wind down before bed with a good book, writing in your journal, or sweet music. Avoid watching TV in your bed or doing homework there so your brain won't associate your sleeping space with space to work

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