
What I Learned In College

Better Essays

In no less than 1000 words, please explain what you have learned from this incident. What was the most powerful aspect?

During this process, I went through different stages where I learned different lessons. There were moments where I blame myself for not being able to detect this confusion in time. There were times when I blame the honors comity and my instructor for not believing me or for not seeing things the way I did. However, as time passed, I was able to reflect and see this incident from different points of view. One of the most important things I learned is that educational institution such as the University of Florida relies upon its prestige to provide that bright future full of opportunities for all the students. I learned that mistakes such as mine, whether intended or not, could damage that prestige and affect the student’s future. This been one of the reasons why universities are so concerned with any sign of ethical dishonesty. I learned that doing a good action won’t necessary guarantee a good outcome. In fact, this situation proved the nature of an action does not determine its …show more content…

However, because of they way I see the world and the fact that, under the circumstances this scenario took place, I feel proud of making that decision, I think not sharing is not the thing I would change. Instead, I would still share the resource, but this time, I would make sure my college knows how to use the tool properly. This way, her paper would have never ended up mixed with my files and the confusion would have never taken place. Also, now that I now the severity of this sort of incidents, and how they are handled, I would have “flooded” my instructor with emails and phone calls the moment I sensed something wasn’t right; instead of waiting to be

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