
What Does Water Symbolize In Fahrenheit 451

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Ray Bradbury’s literary style of vivid imagery and use of literary element of symbolism is felt all throughout the novel Fahrenheit 451. We are surrounded by symbolism throughout the novel with the use of fire, blood, and mirrors as a couple major symbols used. One of the biggest symbols that is over looked is the name Fahrenheit 451 which stands for the temperature at which book paper catches fire. Bradbury use of fire is the most interesting symbol used because of how it represents two different meanings through the novel. Representing destruction as most see fire but also representing construction from the light and the warmth that is given off by fire. Also the self-awareness of people when controlled. Bradbury while it seems is only showing …show more content…

The use of blood sounds like it would add disgust and devastation to the novel. It does not though it adds a greater since of literal context. The blood in the novel adds an understanding of the citizen’s souls and their emotions. We see the symbolism of blood in relationship to the soul as Mildred over doses on pills and her blood becomes poisoned. When Mildred gets her blood changed Montag tells how “The bloodstream in this woman was new and it seemed to have done a new thing to her” (Bradbury). Come to find out though the new blood she received has changed nothing due to the next day her waking up and continuing on with her everyday life. Blood though does show us the sole and how hers is lost and poisoned no matter what due to the society around her. It even shows us that it may be easy for her blood to be changed but she is too far gone or corrupted by society. Blood is a great way that Bradbury showed us through symbolism that no matter what is in you physically you can still be tainted by society. Bradbury even adds description to how much she was corrupted by saying “the layer upon layer of night and stone and stagnant spring water” (Bradbury). By him adding this one line we are now able to see that blood does run thick and he was hoping that after all of this that she would become more aware to reality. The only thing is even though blood runs thick it does not mean that it can be cleaned. It is all your soul that makes you who you are and makes you act as you do. Blood as a symbol to one’s soul is a great approach that Bradbury had. Allowing for the understanding of one’s souls quality to be understood more clearly. While many qualities and ideas about life are explored there is one that some forget about in this novel but it is probably the biggest one to the novel as far as

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