
What Does The Green Light Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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As told by Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby is a book which is full of tragedy. The novel starts out with a romantic intentions, that filled the reader with hope, then as the story continues the book becomes shadowed with grief. Gatsby is a man who lived his whole life obsessing over, what he assumed was, the perfect women. Daisy is seen as everything that Gatsby ever wanted. Gatsby did everything in his life just so he can be with his one true love. This is symbolized by the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock. It represents how close she is but he can never quite have her in his grasp and the life he wants with her. Even though Gatsby lived across from Daisy his house was a huge mansion which symbolizes how isolated he truly was. With all of the expectations these different parts of the book have, the reality is vastly different than how they are first seen in the novel. Which influences how the audience looks at different …show more content…

The green light is an exile for Gatsby in which he feels he can never reach out to get the one thing he wants the most, Daisy. “Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever… compared to the great distance that had separated him from Daisy it had seemed to very near to her, almost touching her”(121). This shows the value of hope that had once appeared, but as it left a repercussion surfaced, isolation. Gatsby has desperately wanted to be with her for many years in return, the green light symbolized the hope which he once had. The realization that Gatsby could have had, never happens because he died before he got the chance. “He did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night”(171). In reality, the green light represents something no one can’t have, no matter how hard they try because it already behind

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