
What Does Rupyavati Gives Away Her Breast?

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The position of women in Buddhism appears to be contrasting to the position of animals – as if women as more inferior than animals are in the tradition. In “Rupyavati Gives Away Her Breasts,” after Rupyavati’s selfless deed, everybody is amazed that a woman could be so giving and compassionate, offering up her own body for another. In shock that a woman possesses such bravery, the people who had gathered said, “’How your sharp intellect contrasts with your female sex!’” (p. 166). Clearly, the ethics and capability of women to perform selflessness were not acknowledged at the time, which is obviously due to cultural norms.
The very beginning of the story of Rupyavati is prefaced with this: “Even as a woman, the bodhisattva cut the flesh from her own body and gave It away. How much more did he do so as a man, for a man is superior in goodness and strength…” (p. 160). While Rupyavati literally sacrificed her body, the distinction between her generosity and the generosity of the male bodhisattva is acknowledged even before her story is told, to remind the reader that regardless of her actions, it is still inferior to the acts of men. …show more content…

And then, after this act, became king of the country.
So, after having done all these great deeds as a woman, and having been confirmed as virtuous and noble, was nonetheless turned into a man and subsequently was honored

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