
What Does Lil Wayne Better Than You Think?

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Top 4 Reasons Why Lil Wayne is Better Than You thought When it comes to rap artists, many will argue that Lil Wayne is the best. If nothing else, it can not be denied that he is one of the most popular rap artists of all-time. The amazing thing is he is still very young, and his popularity could continue to spike. However, for the non Lil Wayne lovers, here are five reasons he is better than you might think. REASON 1 Lil Wayne, back in 2007, put on one of the greatest performances ever at the BET Hip-Hop awards. It was a rare instance where the live version actually sounded better than the studio version. That is a very rare statement, but it was proven at the Hip-Hop awards show. He always seems to sound really good when he is live, but

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