
What Does It Mean To Be A Leader Essay

Decent Essays

In everyday life being a leader is involved in everything that you do. Whether it’s in school, home, or working in the community. Having leadership means to be a leader. A leader that a person can trust to look up too. For example if you have a little brother or sister you need to be able set a good example for them. Another example is helping with an organization. Being a leader does not mean to be the boss of everything, it simple means to show a good example for your future. Being a leader helps out a lot in your future, because if you are not setting a good example for yourself it’s not going to help with getting a job or applying to colleges. This also means picking the right group of people to be friends with. Once you start hanging out with the wrong people you start acting like them . …show more content…

If you are on a job and you can’t work together it gets to be a problem. This means you need to be a good leader and be nice to them. This doesn’t mean you have to love them you just simply need to be nice to them. The people you are working with are going to be there for awhile. Having good teamwork is not just being in a job it is for everything. Working in groups at school, church, and in your community. Being a leader and having teamwork all interact with same thing. An example of a leader in this world is, Donald Trump. He is the President of the United States. President Trump has to have good teamwork. I’m pretty sure that he dislikes a lot of people that he works with. But he is going to be the president for the United States for a while so he just has to get use to it. Another example of a leader is Oprah Winfrey. She shows

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