
What Does Independence Mean To You Essay

Decent Essays

Although I don’t feel like I have many natural talents, a few of the ones that I do possess are linked to independence. I’ve always been very good at taking responsibility for myself as well as motivating and managing myself.
As an introvert, I’ve always hated having meaningless conversations with others. Conversations where others try to manage me feel meaningless, so I think I accidentally developed the skill to take action when I need to take action and accept the fallout of everything that I do so that I wouldn’t have to talk to others about it. It’s so much more pleasant to speak to one’s parents and teachers about subject that are actually enjoyable instead of having conversations where there’s nagging on one side and resentment on the …show more content…

As I mentioned in a previous journal, this summer, I went to Greece alone for a month. To get to that point, I had to save all my wages during high school, sort out travel arrangements, and steel myself mentally to go on this wild, terrifying trip. I did, and it was much easier than I’d hoped. If you don’t mind me saying, I think this displays my ability to be independent as well as self motivated and self managing.
National Novel Writing Month (also known as NaNoWriMo) is another event I use to sharpen my self-regulatory skills. To “win” NaNoWriMo, participants have to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November (which is equal to roughly 200 pages). I’ve “won” five times in a row (starting when I was thirteen). It takes a lot of self motivation and self management to write a novel in a month, especially when one has a thousand other obligations.
So, I rest my case on the topics of independence, self motivation, and self management. I consider myself accomplished in all three, and although there’s always room to grow, I don’t think I need to actively focus on improving these areas at the moment. Nor do I feel the need to spend time developing a mindset conducive to lifelong

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