
What Does Freedom Mean To Me Essay

Decent Essays

Freedom. Freedom of – speech, religion, press, expression. The right to assemble – to petition. American Freedoms and values are what make us Americans. Our Heritage, no matter how tragic. Our Responsibility to Preserve it – Freedom. Freedom does not come cheap. It comes with war and mass genocides. It comes with violence. It comes bearing arms against arms to fight the ones who hold up their arms opposing it. It comes with a voice, a strong and powerful voice – free speech. The freedom to simply speak one’s mind should be a blessing in itself, that we as Americans, should celebrate. This free speech, is something we have worked hard for. We have all paid the price of death – and war to obtain it, and with the heavy cost we should do everything in our power to protect it because, some people don’t have that right. Some people have to live in the shadows of hushed voices. Sleeping like dodo birds – never to be heard from again. She is a heavy burden, I know. She comes with respect and the will to obtain her moral values, but in the end she is worth it. …show more content…

Freedom of Speech insures us that if we take responsibility and are willing to fight for her, that the American government or any other government, will not be able to restrict our ability to express our thoughts or our ability to criticize the actions of our government without censorship. Freedom of Speech, however costly, manufactures a more successful America. It allows people to speak out against injustices. It allows people to have a more diverse mind. It allows Americans to feel pride and value this American

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