
What Does Chillingworth Symbolize In The Scarlet Letter

Decent Essays

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a classic piece of American literature. There is symbolism in four of the main characters names. Hester Prynne rhymes with sin, connecting her with the sin of adultery she commits. Her inner strength, her truthfulness, and her empathy may have all along been in her character, but The Scarlet Letter brings them to attention. Pearl symbolizes the work of something dirty being turned into something beautiful. Dimmesdale’s light decreases because of his sin. Lastly, Chillingworth is cold hearted, and the symbolism in his name is found in the word “chill”. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter symbolism exists between the characters and their names.
Roger Chillingworth is a cold-hearted man who seeks revenge, hence the word chill in his last name. This is symbolic because when he first found out about Hester and her new child, Pearl, Chillingworth immediately seeks vengeance on whoever the father is. His heart becomes hardened and cold because no one knows; neither will Hester admit who the father is. He is jealous, angry, and frustrated that Hester has committed adultery against him. Chillingworth begins his endless torture of the minister, continuously tormenting him with comments designed to send him horror and pain. Dimmesdale does not realize Chillingworth's intensions, but …show more content…

It could be said that some of his choices were not the smartest he could have made. Dimmesdale allows Hester to carry the burden of the embarrassment for their sin, although inside he is being eaten away by the secret guilt only he knows about. Because Dimmesdale will not confess that he was Hester's lover and that he is Pearl's father, the one act he thinks necessary to be saved from his sin is self-punishment. He beats himself with a bloody whip and keeps frequent inability to sleep during which his mind is threatened by terrifying

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