
What Does Boo Radley Symbolize In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Mockingbirds are not like other birds, these birds sing songs, and they do not do any harm to us. If one kills a mockingbird, it is a sin because mockingbirds make nature look beautiful, yet they are killed for no good reason. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, there are events where it tells us what mockingbirds symbolizes. Sometimes, it would be from characters in the novel instead of events such as Boo Radley and Tom Robinson. Throughout the story, Boo Radley was questioned of what kind of person he was, but then turns out that he is also like a mockingbird. In the novel, Boo Radley rarely came out of his house, but then one day he came out to help the kids, Scout and Jem, from danger. He didn’t want any trouble, but he did it to save the kids. Also, we know that Boo was the one who killed Bob Ewell for trying to kill the kids that night, but Mr. Heck Tate did not do anything because he knew that Boo does not want any attention from the folks in town. In addition, as a theme, this shows us that no matter how long and how hard we try to keep things in such as our feelings, it will still come out at one point. It is just like when Jem came back from Boo Radley’s place to get his pants, he did not talk for days because of what he witnessed, but then he eventually spoke to Scout about what happened to his pants when he went to Boo’s place. Another one is when …show more content…

Tom Robinson was a great man who had kids and a wife, which is just like people in Maycomb, however, he was treated differently because of his color. Tom’s life was peaceful until he got involved with Ewells for raping one of the Ewells, which was Mayella Ewells. In the end he died because he couldn’t handle how he was accused of doing something that he did not do. In addition, as a theme, this tells us to never lie because because of a lie, someone died in the

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