
What Does Blood Represent In Macbeth

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What Blood Represents In Macbeth#3 As the Merriam-Webster dictionary states, blood is the red liquid that flows through the bodies of people and animals. The denotation of the word "blood" is common in many tragic stories, through bloodsheds, wars, murders, the examples go on and on, and in one of the most famous tragedies of all time, "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare, the use of blood is commonly used. From the start of the play, blood is mentioned a lot and a lot, like during the start of the play when King Duncan asks, "What bloody man is that?" (I.ii.1), …show more content…

But just like any good story, William Shakespeare doesn't only use the literal meaning of things in Macbeth. Just as blood has literally been in this story, it also symbolises plenty of things throughout the story. For the main characters of the play, Macbeth and his wife, blood symbolises their regret and guilt on their path of continous murder to fulfill their ambition. Following the bloody murder of King Duncan by Macbeth, Macbeth had been emotionally traumitized with guilt over his sefish and cruel act, as like any person with a soul would be like. His guilt starts after he had returned from killing Duncan. He states that "This is a sorry sight.[Holding up his bloody hands]"(II,ii,27) and that "One cried,'God bless us'.......they did say, 'God bless us'!"(II,ii,34-37). Macbeth is obviously shocked from these events, looking at the blood on his hands, but what really shows the guilt in this scene, is how he could not say Amen in reply to "God bless us". During the time of Macbeth, God was a big thing and "Amen" was used as a little blessing after the prayers. However, Macbeth could not bring himself to saying Amen,

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