
What Does Basketball Mean To Me

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Basketball, dance, family, friends are some the things that mean the most to me and symbolize me. These things also describe me and my personality. The first symbol that represents me is the basketball. Basketball has been a big part of my life since I was about 8 years old. The game of basketball is just passion that I grew up just loving since the first day I step on the court. The sport was a stress reliever that let me escape every time it came to playing during games or the long practices. It's a distraction that helped me through hard times. I love the competitiveness in the game, I love the rush it gives you once you're defending a person, and you're giving all your energy , more to protect your basket and trying to get the ball in your hands. Without playing basketball my life would kinda be boring. …show more content…

Family always comes first, before anything. My family and I are very close. Many things have happened to make us grow closer, which makes our relationship better. Growing up with a big family , no matter what the problem is you will always have Someone there to help you through it. My mom and dad had grown up with very close family, and large. Which means 10x bigger for me. Most people would love, big family I would think. I also very thank full to have both grandparents and have my both great grandmas , and very lucky and blessed to have a great great grandma who is still alive. As being categorized as Mexican may people think the worse of our community, people usually just think of our candies and food, etc. People should realize how close as families we are, that is why I cherish family so

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