
What Does Achebe Get Fair Treatment In Things Fall Apart

Decent Essays

If one didn’t know that Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart was written to show a positive view of pre-European Africa, they would not know it from reading the novel. This is not because the Africans are portrayed negatively, but rather because Achebe portrays neither side as morally superior. Both the Africans and the Europeans have good and evil characters and do good and evil things. Achebe does not make the Africans into saints, nor does he demonize the Europeans. Both sides get fair treatment. Though Achebe was writing to defend the Africans, he did not make them all perfect and pure. He juxtaposes kind and caring characters like Ezinma and Ikemefuna with bloodthirsty and cruel characters like Okonkwo. The Africans are shown as more accepting than the Europeans; even after a Christian commits one of the wort crimes possible an egwugwu tells Mr. Smith that he “can stay with us if you like our ways” (Achebe 190). Mr. Smith is encouraged to “worship your own god” (Achebe 190). Though the Europeans have brought destruction to the Africans, the Africans are still open and tolerant. However, they are not perfect. Achebe follows up this accepting speech with the violent destruction of the church. The Africans are kind, but they …show more content…

Though it would have been easy for him to write all the missionaries as evil and acting only in their own self-interest, he did not. Just like the Umofians, some of the Europeans are good and some of the Europeans are evil. At one extreme, Achebe presents the reader with Mr. Brown. He, more than anything, is proof that Achebe gives Europeans fair treatment. Mr. Brown believes in “compromise and accommodation” (Achebe 184). He may disagree with the native religion, but he is happy to “learn more about their different beliefs” (Achebe 179). Mr. Brown is moderate and accepting to all. He never acts for his own benefit, but always because he truly believes all the natives should join the

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