
What Do You Serve At This School Location?

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Interview with Ms. McConnell, School Counselors at Columbus High School, Columbus Municipal School District in Columbus MS

My first question: What population do you serve at this school location? Columbus High school population has a total of one thousand and three hundred student’s grades from ninth through twelfth grade. The school is broken down where ninth and tenth grades are focusing on more core curriculum for state testing and 11th and 12th are preparing for ACT and SAT and graduation. The school has a different variety of multicultural students some African Americans, White Caucasian, Hispanic, Asians and some Mexicans background.

What courses and AP courses do students need to take to be ready for college? Students are required to have twenty four credits to graduate. Students can take two years of foreign language or one year foreign language and advanced geography to get them prepared for college. Most students take Advanced English one and two these students earn credit hours why they are in High school. They do not have to take English comp 1 or 2 because they took the English to earn their credits in high school. Most students who take the Advanced English and foreign language have a GPA of a 3.5 or higher. Students who take regular classes are required to take four English’s, Algebra, Fine Arts and PE to get them prepared for graduation.

How students should get prepared and start studying for the ACT and SAT, and will it be given at Columbus high

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