
What Causes Pig Influenza

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Every day brings a new challenge, a new lesson, and prayerfully, a new blessing. Good things come but unfortunately, so do the bad. I remember just a few years ago hearing of people near and far being infected with the swine flu, which is the transmitting of pig influenza into humans. It is also known as swine influenza, pig influenza, or hog flu. This was devastating to hear. Being of a younger generation, this was my first time hearing of something as drastic and severe as this. I began wondering what caused this and why now? This disease destroyed the lives of many. Some begin exiting their homes wearing masks, stocking on disinfectants, and covering up to prevent this deadening disease. Hearing that this was not the first time that this …show more content…

It has traditionally been thought to have been a mixture of bubonic, septicaemic, and pneumonic plague. It’s lethal and vast spread was ushered in and implicated by rats and fleas. After an animal has been contaminated with the disease and entered its bloodstream, a flea would come along and feed off of the tainted host. The disease would then accumulate inside of the flea, which then transmits the disease through its bite. The flea effectively becomes a syringe administering lethal doses of the disease spreading and killing in abundance, but more so in …show more content…

Its significance began with the initial onslaught in 1347 to 1354. Frequent recurrences made it hard to regain the balance of the middle ages, and the social pillars of the church, family life, and the economy were changed forever. Monasteries and clergy suffered the greatest loss. The Europeans began to blame God because they had no explanation for the outrage. Priests and bishops could not give answers for what was happening so they abandoned their Christian duties and fled. This caused the monasteries to be run by less educated people, who eventually resigned. As the church weakened, so did the hope of the European people. Animosity between the Christians and Jews arose, art and music became dark and depressed, and people became obsessed with cultural death. The rich and poor, the young and old, man, woman, boy and girl were all impacted. No one was safe. No one could help the

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