
What Are Tornadoes More Dangerous Than People Think?

Decent Essays

Are Tornadoes more dangerous than people think?Tornadoes Are random and they happen at the least expected.Tornadoes are very deadly.Tornadoes are least likely in the winter.Tornadoes are dangerous and unpredictable. You should always be prepared for tornadoes, they are random and unpredictable.“We can actually have tornadoes any time of the year” (IRA).This quote helps explain that tornadoes are random. This is only how tornadoes start! Tornadoes are more deadly than you think.“We’re now talking about those powerful storms that moved across the U.S. - southern U.S., bringing several destructive tornadoes that resulted in over 50 deaths” (IRA).This proves that tornadoes are super deadly. Make sure you know how deadly tornadoes are, and how

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