
What Are The Three Main Goals Of The Progressive Era

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The time period between the 1890’s to the 1920’s is called the Progressive Era. During this time there were an abundance of social and economic transformations to the American society. These transformations included changes in science, technology, economic productivity, advancements in communication, and the role of the government and the health of the population. There were three main goals when the Progressive era started and they were to have social welfare, economic reform and have moral improvements; these were to improve the quality of life and the fairness at which the citizens in the United States were dealt with. Economic reform was very important to the day to day survival of the country in the progressive period. The economic reform improvements that were made were revealing corrupt companies and they ultimately wanted to give the working force back their rights and give them more power. Moral improvements have always been a huge issue in America. The government supported the thought banning alcohol consumption and putting an eye on the tobacco companies to that they would have to try harder to push the production of tobacco and cigarettes. Government plans wanted children and adults to run, workout and get …show more content…

Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt was the current Vice President of the United States of America when the era first started but he was suddenly pushed into the role of running the country when William McKinley was assonated in 1901. During his reign as President he used the term “trust-busting” to break up the enormous monopolies that had controlled the government and prevented people to have competition in the economical surface. He was also a very huge advocate for fair trade and pro- labor laws which included a decreased workweek, labor restrictions on children, and more strict rules in the workplace on

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