
What Are The Similarities Between The Lorax And Easter's End

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Natural resources are defined as “industrial materials and capacities supplied by nature,” and as a society, we depend on these resources, such as trees, water, and plants, to survive. We use these resources everyday, and they are a key part of our world. However, as time goes on they are becoming more and more limited. So, what happens when these resources run out? Such an event is demonstrated in the stories of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss and Easter’s End by Jared Diamond, where natural resources were used up until they completely ran out. The stories have their similarities and their differences, but the meaning behind them are very similar, and almost the same. The stories of The Lorax and Easter’s End both relate and differ in their uses of their natural resources, biodiversity, and consequences of their actions. In …show more content…

The Brown Bar-ba-loots were bear-like animals whose source of food came from the Truffula Trees, they spent all day relaxing in the shade of the trees and eating the Truffula fruits. There were also the Swomee Swans, a bird species that once inhabited the Truffula Tree forest. Lastly, there were the Humming Fish who inhabited the once clean and fresh pond. The Humming Fish, as inferred by their name, like to hum, and when they did it made the land seem even more peaceful and enjoyable. Aside from just animal life, the forest also included ponds, trees, and green grass. On Easter Island however, there were no Brown Bar-ba-loots, Swomee Swans, Humming-Fish, or Truffula Trees. Easter Island was instead made up of hauhau trees, toromiro trees, grasses, fish, porpoises, chickens, rats, and various types of seabirds. Both societies were similar in the fact that they had a great number of animal species and trees at one time, but also differ because they had different types of animals, the Lorax had mammals, fish, and birds, while Easter Island was mainly made up of birds and

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