
What Are The Pros And Cons Of The Dakota Access Pipeline

Decent Essays

The Dakota Access Pipeline a controversy for many not just in North Dakota but around the U.S Should the construction continue, or due to extreme circumstances should it be halted immediately. This paper will go over all of the key facts about the Dakota Access Pipeline. How the pipeline is going to affect the environment, the production of oil and greenhouse gasses, the violence, and the fate for the U.S. if we violate sacred treaties.
First there are many pros and cons to the Dakota Access Pipeline, first we will look at the pros of the pipeline. If the pipeline does go through it will bring jobs, reduce imports form the middle east, and the production and transportation of oil will sky rocket. Once the pipeline is under construction there will be 8,000-12,000 new jobs for U.S. Citizens. Many journalists believe that Donald Trump will push to have the pipeline approved, trying to keep his campaign promises made in late September. …show more content…

By reducing oil imports it helps the U.S. become more energy depended. This is shown in a statistic done by an activist group, their research shows that since 2010 there has been a 25% increase for oil demand, by putting in the pipeline it will cut back on billions of dollars leaving the United States for imports. Along with cutting back on imports, the pipeline will annually bring in 50 million dollars in property taxes, 129 million annual tax revenue. Along with property taxes and annual tax revenue, both North and South Dakota will receive 13 million dollars after the completion of the pipeline, and a 5.5 million

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