
Ethical Issues In Nursing Essay

Decent Essays

As a professional practitioner, it is my responsibility as a researcher and writer to communicate the significance of my work. This is supported by Sword in Laureate Education, (2012) who said, “…as researchers, what we're doing is trying to advance knowledge and then to communicate that new knowledge to other people.” While I engage in Scholarly communication it is of importance that I consider the reason why I write, the readers, and how I would circulate the information. The ACRL (2003) define scholarly communication as “the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use.”


An important consideration when conducting a research is to ensure that the topic is interesting, clear, well formulated, relevant, appealing, easy to understand and is beneficial and related to my field and …show more content…

& Mantzorou, M., (2011). What are the Major Ethical Issues in Conducting Research? Is there a Conflict between the Research Ethics and the Nature of Nursing? Health Science Journal, 5 (1), pp. 3 - 14. Available at: Accessed 09/09/2017

Laureate Education, (2012) Improving Academic Writing [Video, Online] accessed 16/10/2017

Magnifico, A. M., (2010) ‘Writing for Whom? Cognition, Motivation, and a Writer's Audience’, Educational Psychologist, 45 (3) pp. 167-184

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