
What Are The Literary Elements Used In The Pedestrian By Ray Bradbury

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In Bradbury and Edgar Allan Poe’s stories both use a similar varieties of literary elements to get their points across. In “The Pedestrian”, Ray Bradbury tells how there is a person name Mr.Leonard -Mead and he walks every day for “miles and hours”,and never saw anyone outside because everyone is addicted to television. Ray Bradbury uses irony tell how there is nobody outside in the city, and Mr.Leonard-Mead did not see anyone outside for a decade. In “The Masque of the Red Death”, author Edgar Allan Poe tells how there is a thing called the Red Death that is killing a lot people. There is a prince who tries to escape this plague that is killing everyone. So the prince invites all his healthy friends to his castle. Then surrounds it with a lofty wall and gates of iron, even beside this much protection, everyone in the castle dies.Edgar Allan Poe also uses Irony to tell how the prince had so …show more content…

Ray Bradbury uses imagery in line 1, “ To enter out into that silence that was the city at eight o’clock of a misty evening in november.” Ray Bradbury shows how no one is outside, walking, or riding a bicycle. Instead the citizens of the city are watching television. The main character, Mr. Leonard-Mead walks everyday “for ten years for hours and miles”, who never met anyone. Ray Bradbury uses irony in paragraph 6, it states, “ The street was silent and long and empty, with only his shadow moving like a shadow of a hawk in mid country. If he closed his eyes and stood very still and frozen, he could imagine himself upon the center of a plain, a wintery, windless American desert, with no house in a thousand miles.” Mr.Leonard-Mead thinks the city is going to be reclaimed by nature, with sidewalks “vanishing under flowers and grass.” Ray Bradbury uses imagery to explain how there lack of human presence in the

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