
What Are The Four Faces Of Procurement Management

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From research paper of “The Four Faces of Procurement”, shows skills procurement executives need in 2020 to meet the challenges organization will be facing. In the paper, it tells about the key success factor for procurement professionals in any sectors. The procurement activities are automated largely and at the same time budget need some strategic market or supplier management activities (Peter Smith, 2012). This happens in a few areas with technology becomes more powerful and need for human judgment no signal. Therefore, the supply chain activities increase in process manufacturing, commercial and judgment issues such as offshoring, outsourcing, and reputation management. In the sector of services or public procurement, managing the internal stakeholder and related of the external market with a supplier for procurement. Making sure the public sector in political and social goals cannot be simply automated. But, it does not see procurement disappearing and it needs to change.
So, in order to change the failure of procurement activities into successful, procurement executives will wear “four faces” to develop skills through two dimensions. The dimensions are the internal …show more content…

The important of the procurement plan is all needs will be listed and to be obtained over a period time. When procurement schedule develops, all the procurement process will be timelines and fulfillment. Furthermore, procurement plan allows one contract consists of similar needs or division needs into several contract packages. With procurement plan, it allows to monitoring procuring process to determine actual performance compare with planned activities and to alert the related departments and adjust the procurement plan. Hence, it enhances the transparency and liability of the procurement

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