
What Are The Arguments Against Animal Captivity

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Wild animals are called wild for a reason. If wild animals are meant to be kept locked up in confinement, what is the point of calling them wild animals anymore? So many people protest against the awful thing known as animal captivity, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still happening today. Places continue to put on shows exploiting animals who don’t have any choice in the matter all for profit. All around the world animals are taken from their native homes and forced into industries which are disastrous to their wellbeing. Zoos, aquariums, and circuses don’t have a justifiable reason to interfere with animals and keep them locked up in harmful imprisonment, where they are cramped, bored, deprived of all authority over their lives, and far away from their natural habitat.
Many officials of zoos, aquariums, and circuses use various arguments to support their position that keeping wild animals in captivity is beneficial or sometimes even necessary for them. They do this in order to create the illusion to the …show more content…

When wild animals are held in captivity they can acquire certain illnesses and health problems which can sometimes become very severe, even fatal. During an undercover investigation at Natural Bridge Zoo in Virginia, United States, tigers cubs were seen which had contracted parasitic diseases which resulted in bloodied diarrhea, similar to Kenny, Ringling Bros’ elephant discussed earlier. Video was filmed during the investigation where a zookeeper for the cubs said “I don’t care if the cat’s head is falling off. You do not tell somebody that they are sick.” (HSUS). Another example also comes from the Ringling Bros’ circus where elephants were afflicted with tuberculosis and herpes (Nelson). These animals are contacting various illnesses which they would never get in the

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