
What Are Lincoln's Greatest Achievements

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During Lincoln's presidency, the country was divided into two separate regions, the north and the south. The northern states remained the United States, but the southern states had seceded from the union, proclaiming themselves as the Confederate States of America. Not even one year in office and President Lincoln decided to declare a Civil War to prevent the nation from splitting in two, even though he knew he was going to get criticized, making this one of his most admirable accomplishments. The Civil War began with the bombing of Fort Sumter in South Carolina on April 12, 1861. Despite opposition groups such as Copperheads, Lincoln carried on with the Civil War, because he knew that his job was to protect the Union from disintegrating. The Civil War ended nearly four years later on April 9, 1865 as Lincoln led the United …show more content…

The war was still happening when it was initially issued on January 1, 1863. However, it did accomplish giving blacks the right to serve in both the armed and naval forces of the Union. This was one of Lincoln's greatest achievements. The blacks were happy to finally have the right to serve their country and nearly 200,000 blacks joined the Army. This proves that Lincoln gave them the right to fight for their own freedom and led them to a better way of life. The document did state that slaves were to be freed, however, this rule did not apply to any of the Confederate states or any of the states along the border. The Emancipation Proclamation, unfortunately, did not end slavery. The states that the document applied to were already virtually free of slavery, because they were all members of the Union. After the war, Lincoln kept supporting legislation that would effectively and finally free the slaves. He was a great supporter of the 13th Amendment, which was the amendment that abolished

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