
Wha What Motivates Me

Decent Essays

All of my life I was told “tienes que ir a la escuela!” which means in English, you have to go to school. I was told this so I obeyed, but as a child I really didn’t understand the importance of an education. All I understood was mommy and daddy had to go work all day and I would not be able to see them until nighttime. I did not pay attention to how food was in the refrigerator, or even where they were employed at. All I knew was that I had to wake up in the morning and get on the big yellow bus and go to school.
No one in my family in the past generations completed high school. Everyone was told to work to provide for the family because back in Guatemala education was not free. What really motivated me to attend college was wanting to become someone important. I do not want to simply work all my life and leave not one mark on this earth. I want to be able to live comfortably and be able to travel; to be able to say I explored the world. I lived the American Dream. I want to be part of history, where people look back at past events and can find my name mentioned somewhere in the books. …show more content…

I want to make them proud! I do not want to keep the cycle of just being another girl who just gets married, was not educated, and did not succeed in life. At times I just sit back and imagine in ten years what will be of me if I graduate from college. I can finally experience that comfortable life style. I can finally become whatever I want. I can finally know what a six digit salary is! All of this motivates me to go to college. Being able to start from the bottom, to rise to get a stable lifestyle is my

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